In Memoriam Bruno Karl Meyer - page 2

A. Hoffmann, Institut für Festkörperphysik, TU Berlin
- donor bound exciton complex in ZnO
Reflection spectrosc py
Why VCSELs andwhy quantum dots (QDs)?
InGaN insertions inGaN as
dense arrays ofQDs
Surface lasing incavities withoutDBRs:
Narrow line, superlinear growth in intensity,
singlemode character,
high threshold excitationdensity
AlGaN/GaN DBRs and their impacton
the threshold excitationdensity
Room temperature photopumpedVCSELs
Far-field patterns of lasing and spontaneous
Efficient InGaN/GaN/AlGaNLEDs
Resonant-cavity LEDs as prototypes of
Bruno Karl Meyer (short cv)
Family status:
married with Marion, three children (Sarah, Hanna, Sebastian)
Academic title:
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dipl. Phys.
Birthday and place:
05.07. 1949 Haibach/ Bayern
1955 - 1959 Volksschule Haibach
1959 - 1969 Friedrich-Dessauer-Gymnasium, Aschaffenburg
University education:
1969 – 1977 Dipl. Physics, Frankfurt
1978 Diploma, Frankfurt, with excellent
Diploma thesis Institute for Biophysics Prof. Dr W. Pohlit
1983, Ph D., University Paderborn with excellent
„Excited states of atomic hydrogen centers in alkali halides“
1987, Habilitation, Paderborn
„Intrinsic defects in III-V semiconductors“
1.1. 1990 C3 Professor at the Technical University of Munich
1.4. 1996 C4 Professor at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
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